On Thursday, 24 May 2019, Meeschaert AM and SfC – Shareholders for Change have organised the conference “Europe and finance in action” in Paris. On this occasion, a study on the sustainability of rare metal supply chains has been released. The study identifies potential controversies in the sourcing of rare earth metals by European companies[…]

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Bank für Kirche und Caritas (BKC), a founding member of SfC, continued the engagement dialogue with the investment manager of the Plenum CAT (catastrophe) Bond Fund. The asset class of catastrophe bonds transfers a part of the risk of catastrophes from governments and people directly to capital markets. It hence provides disaster risk capital to[…]

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Ethos Foundation, which joined SfC – Shareholders for Change in December 2018, has been asked by the 137 members of the Ethos Engagement Pool Switzerland to include the issue of corporate tax responsibility into its engagement program with companies. In September 2018, in response to the request, Ethos published an Engagement Paper that summarises its[…]

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New members, new board and engagement strategies for 2019   Two new ordinary members – Ethos Foundation and Friends Provident Foundation – have officially joined SfC during the winter meeting in Paris last December (2018). The focus of the meeting clearly lay in discussing the engagement plans of all members for the AGM season 2019[…]

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The report compares the performances of the 23 European ethical and sustainable banks with those of the 15 European “systemic” banks as listed by the European Banking Authority (EBA). The survey’s results leave no doubt: in the last 10 years – while systemic banks were hardly trying to recover from the 2008 financial crisis –[…]

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The AGM season 2019 will most likely be characterised by climate related resolutions again. As reported by Responsible Investor on February 1st, oil giant BP is negotiating a shareholder resolution with investors from Climate Action 100+ (CA 100+) but it could face another, similar proposal by Follow This, the Dutch responsible shareholder group known for[…]

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Forma Futura Invest, based in Zurich, Switzerland, has joined the European network for shareholder engagement SfC – Shareholders for Change. The network, that was created in December 2017, has now 10 members with more than € 23bn assets under management (AUM). Forma Futura, is an independent asset manager mostly dedicated to private and institutional investors[…]

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Paris, 5 December 2018 SfC – Shareholders for Change has launched the report “Bad Connection” during its annual winter meeting in Paris, today. The report exposes the general lack of tax transparency in the European telecommunications sector. «Except for Vodafone, no major telecommunications group in Europe publishes country-by-country data, as recommended by the OECD in[…]

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On 18 May 2018, Meeschaert Asset Management, on behalf of SfC, attended the AGM of the French electric utility Engie (formerly GDF Suez). SfC sent a number of questions on Engie’s alleged aggressive tax planning before the meeting. «We have asked which measures have been put in place to respond to current charges of aggressive[…]

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On 10 May 2018, Fondazione Finanza Etica (FFE), on behalf of SfC, attended the AGM of the Italian oil giant Eni. FFE voted with the French investors Ecofi Investissements and Meeschaert Asset Management, founding members of SfC, which hold approximately 150,000 Eni shares in total. In its interventions, and in the 60 questions sent before[…]

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